Primary Member

Unlimited play, unlimited guests (max. 5 visits/guest)
Member will be billed at the end of the month for their guest fees.
Credit Card preferred. Checks are accepted. No cash, please.

Spouse/Partner Membership (of Primary Member)

Unlimited play, unlimited guests (max. 5 visits/guest)
Member will be billed at the end of the month for their guest fees.
Credit Card preferred. Checks are accepted. No cash, please.

Child Membership (of Primary Member)

Must be under the age of 18.
No guests allowed with Child Membership

Student Membership

This can be the only household membership or for an adult child still in college.
Must be a full-time student, grade school, high school, or college student with 12 credits or more
Must be under the age of 25.
College/School ID required.

Young Adult Membership

This membership is for single adults, 18 – 25 years in age.


Out of Town Membership

This membership is for anyone who lives more than 25 miles from 2117 Kenton Road, Dover, DE, 19904.

PLEASE NOTE: It is the member’s responsibility to register all guests in the guest book BEFORE play. The guest book is located inside the clubhouse. All guests must sign the guest form EACH TIME THEY PLAY to indicate they read the waiver of liability. The member will be billed monthly for all guest fees incurred.

Guest fees are $5/person each time they play.